
Maka Eatery
Maka Eatery started in November of 2016, by us, Himanshu & Stephanie. With our many years of culinary experience, we always love making delicious handcrafted sandwiches and pastries that caters to both omnis and vegans! We enjoy cooking from scratch and incorporates superfoods to your meal. We believe that the food you choose will have the greatest impact to the best of your health!

Thank you to all our closest family and friends who helped us start this amazing venture! 🙂

Cooking with love,


Location & Hours

10211 102 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 0A5, Canada

Mail ID: makaeatery@gmail.com

Call US: 780-757-8908

Website: www.makaeatery.ca

Monday to Friday 7am – 3.30pm
Saturday 10am – 2pm
Sunday is church day!


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